Sermon Archive
Thank you for visiting our sermon archive. If, after listening to one of these messages, you have questions or would like to get a copy of the message transcript, please contact our pastor, Rev. Alex Martin.
God Says: I Will Provide: Video available on Facebook
Immeasurably More: A Temple and More Video available on Facebook
Immeasurably More: A House and More: Video available on Facebook
Immeasurably More: A Son and More: Video available on Facebook
A New Way of Life: Video available on Facebook
The RISEN: Video available on Facebook
Grace in Our Broken Stories: The Blood that Binds: One Calvary Sunday - Video available on Facebook
Grace in Our Broken Stories: Good from the Groaning: Video available on Facebook
Grace in Our Broken Stories: Gospel in the Garden: Video available on Facebook
A Walk in the Way: A Step in the Right Direction: Video available on Facebook