Sermon Archive
Thank you for visiting our sermon archive. If, after listening to one of these messages, you have questions or would like to get a copy of the message transcript, please contact our pastor, Rev. Alex Martin.
For you, Theophilus: “Get Found and Join the Party”: Video available on Facebook
For you, Theophilus: “Tragedies, a Tree, and a God Who Wills Our Fruitfulness”: Video available on Facebook:
For you, Theophilus: “Won’t You Be a Neighbor?”: Video available on Facebook
For you, Theophilus: “Ready for the Journey?”: Video available on Facebook:
For you, Theophilus: “Live Transfigured”: Video available on Facebook
For You, Theophilus: “At the Table with a Loving Lord”: Video available on Facebook
For You, Theophilus: “A Healing and an Uneasy Hunger”: Video available on Facebook
For You, Theophilus: “Let’s Go Fishin’!”: Video available on Facebook
Youth Jamaica Report: Video available on Facebook
For You, Theophilus: “Hearing Jesus for the First Time”: Video available on Facebook