Back-to-School Blessing

Back-to-School Blessing

This month, we’re asking individuals, families, or Sunday School classes to give joy and self-confidence to a local student by purchasing a set of clothes and a new pair of shoes for when they head back to school. We do ask that the items be “name brand,” since that’s the kind of outfit that many kids may rarely receive. We’ll have a list of 30 to 50 students (along with their sizes) by July 21, and we’ll ask you to bring your items to church no later than Sunday, August 4. But you can sign up right away to be a sponsor by contacting the church office or by using the “sign up” portion of the bulletin tear off during the first two Sundays of July. If you have any questions about this ministry, please contact Jan Varney. And as always, thank you for being a caring church family that looks for ways to serve God by helping others.

